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The Manuscript

I obtained this manuscript from Bill Mutch of Slaterville. Bill remembers that many years ago he walked into the Chanticleer Bar in Ithaca and sat down with an old friend, Harry Lawless. Harry said that he had something to give Bill, went out to his car, and returned with the manuscript of Silo Saga.

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Back in June I read an article in the New York Review of Books about the infamous Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798. The article mentioned Robert Goodloe Harper, who supported the act on the grounds that “freedom of the press did not allow ‘sedition and licentiousness’”.

This name tripped a switch in my memory. Before going into that, I’d like to report a bit about Harper, who was prominent in his day, but has now been almost totally forgotten, as is the fate of most prominent people.
...continue reading "The Goodloe Harpers of Slaterville"