Our next meeting will occur on Saturday, December 5, at 10:30 AM, in the South Room of the Old Brooktondale Fire Hall.
Author: Tim Larkin
Meetings Resume!
The Community Center spaces are once again open for use by small groups!
The Caroline History Club will meet again this Saturday, November 7, at 10:00 AM in the South Room of the Old Firehall.
I have a short talk about Robert Goodloe Harper (1765–1825), the Federalist Congressman from Maryland, and his connection to one of the leading families of Slaterville Springs.
Dream Street
Twenty-five years ago Professor Gossa Tsegaye of Ithaca College made a film about the community that lives along Buffalo Road between Route 79 and Bailor Road. Recently he graciously made this documentary available on the net.
Six Mile Creek
In 2016 a class at Tompkins County Community College produced several projects to mark the 200th anniversary of the founding of Tompkins County. Three Caroline residents, Kim Haines-Eitzen, and Susan and Tim Larkin, produced a web site about Six Mile Creek and interesting sites along its banks. You can visit the site at Tour Six Mile Creek.
March Meeting
Our March meeting will take place on Saturday, March 6, 2020, from 10:30 to 11:30 AM, at the old Brooktondale Fire Hall, next to the Community Center. Everyone is welcome.
Landmarks of Tompkins County, 1894
The Landmarks of Tompkins County was written by Waterman Thomas Hewett, and published in 1894. It contains a chapter on the Town of Caroline, much along the lines of the History of the Four Counties. Download the Caroline chapter. The entire book is available as a series of PDFs from the Tompkins County Public Library.
History of Tompkins County, 1879
The History of Tioga, Chemung, Tompkins and Schuyler counties, by Henry Peirce and Duane Hurd, published in 1879, has a chapter on the Town of Caroline. You will find information about civic and religious institutions, and settlers and prominent figures, from the first white immigrants until the late nineteenth century. It includes many illustrations of men, women, and farms. Download a PDF. The entire book is available as a series of PDF files from the Tompkins County Public Library.
The Town of Caroline Historical Room has a Facebook page.
If you are interested in the history of the Town of Caroline, New York, you have come to the right place.
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